
Vocational Excellence

VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE is the active discerning of God’s calling for one’s life that leads to its faithful and fruitful application in advancing the Kingdom of God. This discerning and application of one’s calling is unique to each individual because everybody has different gifts and passions and are in varying degrees of proximity to people and places where those can be employed in the service of others.

At the leadership level, vocational excellence deepens personal satisfaction and multiplies organizational impact.

Specifically, a leader's vocational health shows up in three distinct ways.

Calling Clarity

Clarity in the specific calling God has for one based on their gifts, passions, opportunities, and the counsel of godly people who affirm them.

Gift Mastery

The ongoing pursuit of greater impact in one’s calling by maximizing existing gifts and strengthening areas of weakness.

Passionate Incarnation

Passionately living out one’s specific calling with joy, expectation, and measurable effectiveness.
Holistic Health Assessment Integrated 
Connect these insights with the results of your Holistic Health Assessment for maximum impact in your journey to greater health.
The Whole Leader's Journey Aligned
Insights and teaching are a part of The Whole Leader's Journey.

Meet the teachers

Annie Bullard

Executive Director

Jeremiah Poulsen

Executive Leadership Coach
JP Coaching

Chad Rieselman

Lead Pastor
Lumber City Church